What are job opportunities for chemistry graduates? 

  1. Pesticide Chemist
  2. Academic Researcher
  3. Biotechnologist
  4. Clinical Scientist
  5. Research Scientist
  6. Pharmacologist
  7. Environmental Consultant 

Many young minds have a natural inclination to the sciences, particularly chemistry. This branch of Science aims to understand matter and its behavior and to study substances individually. 

Today, various nations and companies have been investing in science and technology, making it possible to make many advancements in agriculture, medicine, and the environment. This shows that there are many things you can do with a chemistry degree. 

If you’re a fresh graduate with this science degree, keep reading to learn more! 

Pesticide Chemist

Pesticide Chemist

After studying, you can move on to working in a lab as a chemist, particularly a pesticide chemist. There, you conduct experiments to study various substances and develop new products. You may also look into improving existing ones. 

The beauty of chemistry is that it’s not limited to just one field. A chemist can specialize in different areas of chemistry. The most common fields known are pharmaceuticals and cosmetic manufacturing, however, there are other branches like chemical manufacturing that need chemists, too. 

With your degree, you can become a pesticide chemist. You can help create innovative products for the field to eliminate the many harsh chemicals on the market today. In this field, you can learn how to study and refine the different substances in pest control products to ensure their safety for people and the environment. 

Academic Researcher

A chemist graduate could move on to becoming an academic researcher whose aim is to publish papers, books, and reports about chemistry. You can be sought by many universities because of your knowledge and skills. There, you can get involved in teaching and supervising university students in their studies. 

As a researcher, most of your work involves research and meetings that are devoted to your specific department. There are many kinds of academic researchers in the field. 

Types of Academic Researchers

  • Research Associate or Fellow
  • Higher Education Lecturer
  • Ph.D. researcher


A chemistry graduate can become a biotechnologist. They create and develop products that help improve the daily lives of the majority. 

To create solutions, biotechnologists study the various attributes of cells, tissues, and organisms. These include its physical, genetic, and chemical makeup. By doing so, they can solve problems through new and innovative products. 

This can be applied to many industries. Biotechnologists can create vaccines, medicines, and pest control products. They make use of many scientific disciplines to improve these processes and products. 

Clinical Scientist

Clinical Scientist

Chemistry graduates can also move on to working in a hospital. There they can work in the field of biochemistry. These chemists help in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases by analyzing blood, urine, and fluid samples. 

Biochemists are usually situated in hospital laboratories where they can easily interpret and validate results. They work closely with doctors to advise to help identify the tests that need to be done on certain patients. They can help identify if further testing is required to achieve better results. 

Aside from this, biochemists can also develop and improve tests by resolving any analytical performance problems.

Research Scientist

Compared to other careers, a research scientist is required to specialize in one discipline. Your job revolves around designing and conducting experiments to broaden the knowledge of your discipline. Research scientists make use of experimentation so that they develop practical applications to their field. 

Many people in this field are required to pursue a doctoral degree to progress in their careers. 


Chemistry graduates can apply their knowledge and skills to the pharmaceutical field. They study how medicines and drugs are processed by the body, highlighting the importance of safety and effectiveness. 

Pharmacologists study and investigate how these medicines interact with the different body systems. They can also create new drugs and predict the effect it has on humans by experimentation. 

Aside from that, they can also improve current medicines as well as studying about the different reactions these can have on humans. You are required to collaborate with other chemists to attain these results. 

Environmental Consultant 

Chemists can also lend a hand in improving the environment and various ecosystems by pursuing a career as environmental consultants. 

In this career, a chemist provides assessments and advice on matters concerning the environment. You’ll usually work for a firm or the government by addressing various issues. You can also be asked to keep track of clients to ensure they comply with environmental regulations. 

Key Takeaway

There are many things you can do with a chemistry degree. Depending on your inclination and goals, you can explore the many career opportunities above. All of these jobs help in providing a better understanding of the world around us by studying the matter. 

With your chemistry degree, you can work with us here at Divine King, the best chemical supplier in the Philippines. We work primarily with pest control and chemicals for cleaning, and we are looking for pesticide chemists to partner with to better serve our clients. Contact us here today.