What are the benefits of using sanitation chemicals in the food industry?

  1. Kill and control bacteria, viruses, and other germs
  2. Prevent cross-contamination
  3. Extend the shelf life of food products
  4. Protect the credibility of the food business


In the Philippines, maintaining high standards of sanitation in food is essential. This article delves into the benefits of using sanitation chemicals, emphasizing their role in effectively killing and controlling bacteria, preventing cross-contamination, prolonging the shelf life of food products, and safeguarding the credibility of food businesses. By implementing these practices, businesses can ensure the safety and quality of food while fostering trust with customers.

In the bustling and diverse food industry of the Philippines, prioritizing sanitation has become increasingly crucial in ensuring the safety and quality of the food we consume. One way to maintain this high standard is the use of sanitation chemicals.

This article highlights some of the benefits of using sanitation chemicals in the food industry. We will explore the role these chemicals play in mitigating the risks of food-borne illnesses, enabling you to see why using sanitation chemicals is essential for the success of food businesses.

Kill and Control Bacteria, Viruses, and Other Germs

Many food production companies often overlook a significant aspect of food safety: assuming that visibly clean surfaces are also sanitary. This leaves room for bacteria, such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli (E. coli), to persist. Thus, the threat of bacterial contamination remains. To truly clean and sanitize food contact surfaces effectively, it is crucial to follow a thorough cleaning process:

Remove Dirt and Debris

Use a lint-free cloth or wipe to remove soil deposits from the surfaces, such as dirt, gross solids, mineral salts, large particles, proteins, lubricants, and other residues that need to be eliminated.

Rinse All Residue

During rinsing, it is important to use warm, potable water at around 48.9°C. Using water that is too hot can cause particles to become sticky.

Apply Detergent and Scrub

Use chemical cleaners, as provided by the manufacturer, to remove residues and ensure optimal results.

Give the Surface a Thorough Rinse

Perform a final rinse with potable water to eliminate any remaining detergent and residue is essential. Without this step, any leftover detergent can neutralize the sanitizer on the surface of the equipment, making it less effective.

Take a Closer Loo

Inspect all surfaces, and if necessary, spot-clean any areas still displaying visible signs of residue or detergent. Pay particular attention to hard-to-reach places where build-up may occur.

Prevent Cross-Contamination

Prevent Cross-Contamination

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 225,000 people in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Philippines, lose their lives each year due to foodborne illnesses.

Bacterial issues are not limited to undercooked pork or seafood alone. If you’re cooking and selling food, let’s delve into the sources of foodborne illnesses:

  • Greens: Recent years have seen E. Coli contamination in lettuce and other greens. Cheeses and Deli Meats: Bacteria can accumulate on cheeses and deli meats, which can then spread to surrounding areas, increasing the risk of contamination.
  • Raw Eggs: Food workstations contaminated with egg material pose a cross-contamination risk, potentially leading to illness when this material interacts with other foods.
  • Poultry, Meat, and Seafood: Raw or undercooked forms of these meats can harbor harmful bacteria.

To tackle these challenges head-on, practice proper food handling techniques. Always wash your hands with soap and water, particularly after using the bathroom, touching pets, or handling raw meat. Facilities should also make sure to always clean and sanitize all utensils, surfaces, and equipment used in food preparation.

Extend the Shelf life of Food Products

Sanitation chemicals, when used accurately, play a pivotal role in eliminating or reducing microbial contaminants present on food contact surfaces. By carrying out thorough cleaning and sanitization procedures, the growth of spoilage microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, molds, and others, can be inhibited. As a result, the quality and integrity of food products are safeguarded.

By following the sanitation practices, such as using appropriate cleaning and sanitizing agents, you can help maintain freshness and prolongs the shelf life of various food items, which is particularly crucial for perishable goods, such as fresh produce, dairy products, and meats.

Protect the Credibility of the Food Business

Protect the Credibility of the Food Business

Finally, customer priorities have evolved to emphasize the safety and integrity of the food they purchase. Businesses must reflect this commitment by incorporating sanitation chemicals into their practices, making a proactive effort to address customer expectations, and prioritizing their health and well-being.

As mentioned, the use of sanitation chemicals serves as a powerful tool in preventing contamination and minimizing the risk of foodborne illnesses. This way, businesses can ensure their customers that their food products remain safe and of the highest quality throughout the entire production and preparation process. This not only protects consumers but also builds a strong foundation of trust in their business.

Key Takeaway

These are the benefits of using sanitation chemicals in the food industry. These chemicals maintain high levels of cleanliness and hygiene, ensuring the safety and quality of food products. As a result, food businesses can uphold their reputation, comply with regulatory standards, and prioritize the well-being of their consumers.

Divine King wants to provide various Philippines businesses with reliable, industry-approved sanitation chemicals that comply with stringent food safety regulations. If you offer these products, reach out to us today! We’ll be happy to help you distribute your products in the Philippines.